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Mac Software

bulletBlast Client Software Basic Local Alignment Search Tool.  It uses amino acid and nucleic acid fragments to search for similarities (Updated 7/16/99).
bulletBoxshade (see MacBoxshade)
bulletChime Plug-in - This will allow you to visualize pdb files over the net.  This program is a necessity if you are a chemist or biochemist Versions 2.0 and Version 1.02. MDL (Updated 4/12/99)
bulletChime Resources by Eric Martz
bulletDeep Viewer new.GIFis an application that provides a user friendly interface allowing to analyse several proteins at the same time. The proteins can be superimposed in order to deduce structural alignments and compare their active sites or any other relevant parts. Amino acid mutations, H-bonds, angles and distances between atoms are easy to obtain thanks to the intuitive graphic and menu interface (Updated 3/25/01).
bulletDeep Viewer Tutorial by Gale Rhodes (Updated 3/25/01).
bulletGeneration X: a computer simulation of population genetics: (available soon) 1)Gives a better realization of evolution, 2) Illustrates the concepts we learned in class, 3) Shows natural selection in action, 4)Provides insight into population genetics 5) Helps to determine if populations are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 6) Increases understanding about allelic and genotypic frequencies, and 7)Simulation can be repeated until the calculations are memorized at the Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University. (Updated 7/16/99)
bulletMacaw  (Version 2.05) is a program for locating, analyzing, and editing blocks of localized sequence similarity among multiple sequences and linking them into a composite multiple alignment. It appears that the last revision was in 1995.
Alternatives Location Comments
Macaw, NCBI NCBI Mirror
Macaw, Sunet Sunet Mirror
Macaw, Indiana Indiana University Mirror
bulletMage (Version 5.4) Three dimensional viewing of molecules.  It is rather primitive by current standards, but it is a good educational tool. This is the official site of kinemage and it is found at Duke University (Updated 5/3/99).
Alternatives Location Comments
Mage, Official Duke University Main site, current version 5.4
Mage, Protein
Protein Science older version 4.2
Mage, FASEB Faseb older version 4.2
Mage, PDB PDB older version 5.28
bulletMacBoxshade (Ver. 2.15)Pretty Printing and Shading of Multiple-Alignment files (Updated 10/03/01).
bulletMPSA is a software intended to protein sequence analysis.
bulletInformation about MPSA software
bulletNIH-Image a public domain image processing and analysis program for the Macintosh (Updated 5/4/99).
bulletpdb2pov - Molecular Raytracing. This program allows you to convert pdb formatted files to povray.
bulletProtein Explorer: new.GIF (3043 bytes) View, rotate, explore 3D structure of proteins, DNA, RNA. Much easier to use than RasMol and much more powerful. Clickable sequence-to-structure. Color protein by conservation/mutation from multiple protein sequence alignment (Updated 8/20/00). 
bulletRasMol is the universal molecular modeling program.  I would suggest that everyone should have this program because it allows visualization of molecules and it does not require too much memory.  It does require, however, that you know its commands.
bulletmain homepage at UMass, Amherst
bulletRasmol 2.7.1 (Latest Version) RasMol version 2.7.0 combined Roger Sayle's version 2.6.4 with Herbert Bernstein's CIF modified version 2.6_CIF(Rev 2)
and with Arne Mueller's version 2.6x1.  This site is maintained by Bernstein and Sons (Updated 6/15/99).
bulletSwiss-PdbViewer new.GIFis an application that provides a user friendly interface allowing to analyse several proteins at the same time. The proteins can be superimposed in order to deduce structural alignments and compare their active sites or any other relevant parts. Amino acid mutations, H-bonds, angles and distances between atoms are easy to obtain thanks to the intuitive graphic and menu interface (Updated 3/25/01).
bulletSwiss PDB Viewer Tutorial by Gale Rhodes (Updated 3/25/01).